Depositing / Withdrawing from LISA

Depositing into LISA

Request LiSTX: Users submit a mint request and receive an NFT ticket, transferring the specified STX to the LISA Vault.

To be included in the next stacking cycle, requests must be confirmed 300 blocks before the next cycle's preparation stage starts; otherwise, they're deferred.

Finalize mint: Minting finalizes 432 blocks after the cycle begins, exchanging the NFT ticket for LiSTX.

Cancel mint: If conditions allow (unlocked STX are available and not committed elsewhere), users can revoke their requests, recovering their STX. Revocation is not possible if the STX is allocated for strategies or outstanding burn requests.

Do I earn Points after Depositing into LISA?

Yes, once you have deposited into LISA, you will start earning points even if you have not yet received your LISA tokens.

Withdrawing from LISA

You can use our Redeem tabs to redeem LiSTX and receive STX at a 1:1 exchange ratio.

The redemption steps are as follows:

  • Requesting Burns: For burning LiSTX, users receive an NFT ticket and transfer LiSTX to the LISA Vault, with rewards continuing to accrue during the wait.

  • Finalizing Burns: Burns depend on unlocked STX availability in the Vault and may proceed immediately or be queued.

  • Revoking Burns: Users can revoke burn requests at any point, canceling the ticket and retrieving their LiSTX.

How Long to Wait for Withdrawal and do I still earn Points?

Under normal circumstances, redemption requests can take anywhere from 1 to 14 days until the next stacking cycle is completed, after which you can claim your STX using the Claim dashboard.

If there is enough STX within the unstacking balance, you will be able to redeem your STX instantly.

Easier way to put it:

  • If there's sufficient STX for redemption: Instant—but no more LISA points.

  • If there's insufficient STX for redemption: Wait for one cycle—still earn LISA points.

You can also exchange LiSTX on DEX LISA integrations (e.g., ALEX swap).

Last updated